Monday, November 24, 2008

Nobody Cares

I just noticed something, Nobody cares anymore. I haven't seen a single person in the longest of times care about actual important things. Instead, all everyone is worried about are: bands, famous people, how they look, the next fad, and so on. I mean sure, I can see where you're coming from if you say to me I'm just a kid and that I should be living life like a kid and not so seriously. But I live life like a kid everyday, I just have a more open mind to things. Everyone now is caught up in today's society, we're all caught up in the tabloids and the next new diet. Seriously, does any of this matter?
What's the point of gossiping about big time stars, bands, and whatever else Hollywood has to bring? Who cares if someone gets pregnant, or they get a DUI. It's not like it matters to anyone other than them and their actual friends and family. It's not like it's going to effect you in any way personally. Yeah you might look up to some of them as hero's, but why? Just because they're rich or famous? Just because they're in some big movie, or dating some hot guy or girl? So why're we so caught up in all of this? Well I don't know, you tell me. No, I'm not trash talking anyone in Hollywood, I'm just saying it's not like you know them and you're gonna fail at life because of it.
Who cares how you look? If you get mad because you don't look the way you wanted to, or they messed up your hair cut that you wanted then that's just really bad. Because honestly, if you're that concerned on how you look then why not just make yourself into a fucking barbie doll? People today are way too focused on how we look. It's not like it matters, get over it. Not everyone can be born perfect, or beautiful, or whatever. Not everyone is exactly skinny, Not everyone doesn't get acne, Not everyone doesn't get blonde hair, or brunette hair, or whatever other color you can think of. Not everyone can look like the hottest fucking person out there. And if you judge someone because of that, then shame on you. If you honestly judge someone on how they look, in any category. Whether it's how they dress, their hair cut, or whatever else then you need to get over yourself. I'm sure you're hair isn't it's natural hair color, I'm sure you can't always afford the two-hundred dollar pair of jeans. So shut the fuck up and get over the fact that not everyone can look like a damn doll.
People today need to start worrying about things that actually matter. Things that are going to effect them majorly, not something that's gonna decide whether or not you get a date to the movies on Friday night.

Friday, November 21, 2008

The Point Of Life

I was laying around thinking and something came to me. What's the point of life? Some say the point is to better yourself, to live it, to be happy, to make others happy and so on. So I sat there for at least 7 hours thinking about this. I couldn't come up with a reason. I still can't, but I've come up with a pretty good answer to that question that is asked ever so much.
To me, the point of life is what we make it. I personally see life as a chance to learn, better yourself and the people around you, and to be happy. In the past 2 years of my life, I've finally understood a lot of things: girls, religion, some of politics, people, and so on. I've learned that no matter what everyone says they aren't happy. And that really makes me mad, how can you not be happy with life? Sure everyone has those reasons but then again everyone picks out the bad in everything. Look at the good in it. Friends, family, memories and so on. In the past year i've changed so much. I've changed in a really good way I think. I aspire to help anyone and everyone I can. I want people to come too me for advice and help. I want to reach out to those who need it. I'll help friends, foes, and even complete strangers. I just want to see everyone around me happy no matter what the cost is. I put everyone before me. Some say it's a weakness, I say it's a blessing.

Gays, And Everything They Come With

Everyone has their own opinions on Gay marriage and Gay rights. Different people, different beliefs. My opinion on all of this is that it shouldn't matter. Sure there are all the religions out there that say that's not how god wants us to be. Or that's not how we're supposed to work and so on. But for those with the religious beliefs that say marriage should be between man and woman, and that God made us to be with the opposite sex. God made everyone the way they are. Being gay or lesbian or even bi isn't a choice for anyone. If you believe God made us all the way we are then what's wrong with God making some people gay or lesbian? None of this is any one's choice. Sure you can be gay and hide it, but that doesn't mean you're straight. It means you're afraid of who you really are. But for anyone who still thinks gay marriage is against their beliefs please tell me why and give me good reasons. Not the usual it's not how God made us. Because if it wasn't how God made us then why were they made gay? Also, what does it have to do with you? It's not like he or she are marrying you. It's not like you're somehow involved with them. Just let people be what they are. You can't control some of the things about yourself. They can't help the fact they're gay. So just let it be. Worry about your own marriage or your own relationship. Let them be happy and be happy with yourself.

You'll Find Them

This is for the boys and girls, the boys and girls who're tired of getting heartbroken and completely fucked over. Just read this, trust me on all of this. Even if you don't know me, get to know me and then maybe you can trust me on it.

First, the girls:
Yeah i get it, almost every guy out there is a huge ass hole. but don't' give up, i promise you that through all of it you'll find that one guy. Yeah you may be sitting here and saying, "what kind of bull shit is this guy talking about?!" but it's not bull shit. It's the truth. you just can't can't give up because of a bunch of stupid guys. You gotta keep looking, look in places you'd never thought you would look. Search for the actual good hearted guys out there. Trust me, they'll be glad to take you into their hearts. Whether it's as a friend or more. Just don't give up and don't stop looking. When you get down and completely confused and screwed. You have your friends to help you with this stuff. Or even come to me. I'd be glad to help you out. Just remember, there's a guy out there for you that you'll absolutely love. You'll think he's an amazing guy and you'll be happy.

For the guys:
Guys, why do you have to be such self-centered ass holes? yeah i know there are guys who aren't even close to being like that. And we should all take a page or two outta their book. Girls get enough shit from us come on now. yeah girls are confusing and can be really bitchy sometimes. but us guys the majority of the time can be huge ass holes. Yeah we get shit too, but that doesn't mean you have to deal it back. Just blow it off, she's not worth your time if she's gonna be like that. Just keep looking and don't be a dick. Trust me you'll find a girl, i can tell you that pretty much every girl out there is looking for a good guy. not an ass hole. So just find a girl, keep her happy. you'll be happy to. i promise.

So, in the end:
just don't give up everyone. You'll find that certain someone i can promise you that. Everyone deserves to be happy and just because you aren't happy doesn't mean you won't end up happy. I promise you that it'll all turn out great in the end.